Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Tony - Bartender and Bartender Wrangler

Name: Tony

Birthday: June 3

Brief Bio: I was born, raised and attended university in the Chicago area, moved to New England for graduate school and arrived in Los Angeles (for the first time) in the mid-1990's. I worked for over 12 years as a bartender, bar manager and club and show promoter in West Hollywood before moving back to Chicago for a couple of years. I returned to L.A. at the end of September 2009 to happily start work as bar manager and bartender at MJ's.

Likes: Kind, thoughtful, creative, loving people...and dogs.

Dislikes: The bastardization of real and original ideas and the impostors that perpetrate these crimes on humanity.

Random Fact: I was once an anthropologist.

Favorite Drink: Vodka Martini (the more olives, the better)

Favorite Song of the Moment: "Dog Days Are Over" by Florence and the Machine

Random Question: If you had a super power, what would it be and would you use it for good or evil?
The Jedi Mind Trick ; And "good or evil" depends on your point of view...

Single or Taken: Taken

What would be the best way for an interested patron to get your attention?
Politely order a drink and have a good time

Celebrity Crush: Jean Harlow

Monday, October 12, 2009

Chris A.

Bio: I'm from just outside of Chicago. I enlisted with the Marines at 18. Modeled and acted after. Also had a stint doing porn.

working out (5x a week)
watching tv
guys with blond hair and blue eyes
tattoos and piercings
fucking with people

Snobby people
Small children

Random Factoid: I don't eat any meat that looks fresh off the animal. (i.e. still on a bone.)

Favorite Drink: Redbull. The original, sugar free is for pussies.

Fave song of the moment: Staind - Believe

Celeb Crush: Channing Tatum

Favorite body part on another person: Arms

If you were a flavor of ice cream what flavor would you be and who would you want to eat you?
Cookie Dough and someone who will dig through the cookie dough and outer layers of ice cream me for the most delicious and important part, the chocolate chips deep down inside.