Thursday, January 21, 2010

It's Ro!!!

Name: Rosalia H.

Bday: July 17th

Bio: I was born in Inglewood, CA. I am 1/2 Mexican, 1/2 Japanese. I act, dance & model. I grew up in LA, Japan, Lake Arrowhead and San Diego. I have also traveled to Thailan, Korea and France. I have been with my boyfriend for 9 years. I also freestyle hip-hop dance.

Likes: I love gangsta rap, hip-hop & Prince, Italian food, dancing, cooking, watching sports (esp. football & basketball) and men who are funny

Dislikes: I hate hairy backs, BO, heavy metal and chocolate.

Random Factoid: I dated Prince for a year and a half

Favorite Drink: Stoli Elit martini w/ blue cheese olives & champagne

Fave song of the moment: Low by Flo Rida

Celebrity Crush:
Angelina Jolie

and Robert DeNiro

If you were a flavor of ice cream, what flavor would you be and who would you want to eat you?

I would be Black Cherry & have DeNiro eat me. haha!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Eric - Dancer/Choreographer Extraordinare

BDay: Nov 25th, 1985

Bio: I moved to the US from Israel when I was 10. I graduated from UCLA with a BA in sociology last year. I work as a professional dancer and love every minute of my life. That's all you get!

Likes: Making out with D-Listers, r&b, soul and hip hop music

Dislikes: House, techno, trance. How can you stand that shit?

Random fact: I love Family Guy

Fave Drink: Diet Coke

Fave song of the moment: Rihanna - Hard

If you had to be trapped in an elevator for 12 hours who would you want to be stuck with?

Marcus Tucker. He's amazing. Kind of.

If you were a flavor of ice cream what flavor would you be and who would you want to eat you?

Chocolate-vanilla swirl. How you doin?